Meet the team
Leah Silber
Leah is a member of the Ember.js Core Team and an organizer of numerous annual tech events, like GoGaRuCo, EmberConf and RailsConf. She's worked with open source projects (like jQuery, Bundler and Merb) to help build communities and events. She has a background in startup marketing in highly technical and community-oriented engineering environments. She is the author of Event Driven, the guide to running successful tech events.
Godfrey Chan
Zach Kemp
The “Junior Developers”
At Tilde, we encourage employees to bring their infants into work with them. This reduces childcare costs and allows parents to stay connected with their liʼl buds throughout the day. Plus, having babies around is just plain fun!
Read about the Infants-at-Work programAnd let's not forget to shout out to some of our favorite alums:
We [heart] open source.
Sharing is caring when it comes to code. We're proud to contribute to some of the most innovative products in the industry.
Projects we've worked on
Ruby on Rails is a web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration.
jQuery is a fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX.configuration.
Ember is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications that eliminates boilerplate and provides a standard application architecture.
Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration.
Thor is a simple and efficient tool for building self-documenting command line utilities, as well as an alternative to Rake.
Nu is a modern shell for the Github era that draws inspiration from projects like PowerShell, functional programming languages, and modern CLI tools.